年も明けたばかりですが、夏の講座のご案内 The Spirit of English by Andrew Wolpert


恩師のAndrew Wolpert 先生が、夏にロンドンで2週間の講座を開きます。








The Spirit of English

Rudolf Steiner House, London


31st July – 11th August, 2017



Come to London for two weeks in the summer, refresh your English and discover a new connection with the art and culture of Britain!


The Spirit of English summer school includes language classes, artistic activities, talks on painting, architecture and literature, museum and theatre visits. The grammar and language work will be a lively interactive learning process that concentrates on the particular features that make English distinctive as a world language as well as on the characteristics that relate to our spiritual evolution and what Rudolf Steiner called the Consciousness Soul.


The museum and theatre visits will be part of a programme of cultural events that focuses on two significant periods in British history, the 16th and 19th centuries. The Renaissance in Britain came to particular expression in poetry and drama, and our theatre visits will include the Royal Shakespeare Company’s The Tempest with Simon Russell Beale and King Lear at the Globe. During the Victorian era the massive expansion of industry and social change were accompanied by a new relationship to nature and an affirmation of human dignity celebrated by the Romantic poets, artists such as Constable and Turner and the great humanist John Ruskin.


The Spirit of English will explore aspects of the language, history and art in the context of anthroposophy with the aim of seeing Britain’s involvement in world affairs (including the current question of EU membership) and contribution to world culture in the context of what Owen Barfield called our evolution of consciousness. There will also be additional lectures on wider Language and Logos themes on some evenings.


There will be opportunities to visit places of literary and architectural interest as well as free time for other excursions in and around London.


The Spirit of English is led by Andrew Wolpert, currently teaching at the Waldorf Teacher Training Seminar in Stuttgart, and also giving courses in Italy, Russia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Taiwan and Japan, and having previously run the English Course at Emerson College in England.


The classes (aimed at participants with upper-intermediate and advanced language skills but suitable for a spread of abilities) will take place during the mornings and in the early afternoons from Monday to Friday, with theatre visits in the evenings. The course is intended for adults over 18, though participants of 16+ accompanied by a responsible adult will also be welcome. Participants are responsible for arranging accommodation and meals themselves, though we will gladly offer advice and suggestions for accommodation in London. Entry to most museums and galleries in London is free. The Course will take place at Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London, NW1 6XT.


The fee for the two weeks is £580, or £530 if you book before 15th March.

To book a place or for more information send an email to andrewjwolpert@gmail.com



This Course is sponsored by and run on behalf of the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain




2007年 グローブ座 舞台の天井絵 このときは、ヴェニスの商人を観ました。
























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